So, neither Ukraine nor Russia was the target of the war. Europe is, and Biden proves it
The cat’s out of the bag. Finally, the ultimate objective of the Ukraine war has been revealed. We all know ...
The cat’s out of the bag. Finally, the ultimate objective of the Ukraine war has been revealed. We all know ...
The Russian-Ukraine war has devastated everything the European Union was ever proud of. The grouping, owing to the presence of ...
Well-Well, it looks like announcement of Russia of partial mobilization has sent NATO allies into a state of quandary. As ...
President Emmanuel Macron who has been tallest leader in Europe for few years has been hoisted with his own petard. ...
Protests have become a very common sight in Europe. Just a few days ago, Czech Republic saw one hell of ...
In a bizzare advice, a British organisation is asking food-scarcity hit African nations to start eating insects, a report in ...
project of the century: Except for one or two, no other nation seems to be happy with Germany nowadays. Firstly ...
The Prince of Wales has now been promoted to the post of the king after his mother- the late Queen ...
It is almost shocking to find out that the European commodity supply fortress only appeared a solid mass on the ...
For the EU, 2035 is a significant Year. Brussels has given a clarion call to automobile makers in Europe that ...
If a dog is to be tamed, it must be put on a leash. That’s how elite Western nations have ...
As Europe's worst energy nightmare turns into a reality, it has realized that US can do little to rescue it ...