Justin Trudeau is punishing the Conservative Alberta, his ‘Green’ policies have led to a brain drain
It is often said that hell is a bottomless pit, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is proving this statement. ...
It is often said that hell is a bottomless pit, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is proving this statement. ...
A new survey conducted in Canada done by Maru Public Opinion has shown that a whopping 52% of the Canadians ...
There is no dearth of evidence when it comes to the left-wing bias of the US media houses. However, in ...
A bad leader can bring a country down from the epitome of affluence to the catastrophic abyss. This fits perfectly ...
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is at the centre of a huge scandal, yet the Canadian media and the global ...
Trudeau’s pro-Khalistan stand led to one of the worst vaccination drives in a first-world nation and it has now come ...
Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister is simply exceptional when it comes to making bad decisions. If one needs to ...
Justin Pierre James Trudeau, the unusually handsome Prime Minister of Canada, cannot stop interfering with the internal affairs of other nations on ...
You need no adjectives to describe the Canadian Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau is himself an adjective that illustrates hypocrisy of ...
During a press conference on Wednesday morning, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was asked a simple question, “Have you reached out ...
Justin Trudeau, the liberal Canadian Prime Minister who always has had a sweet spot for anti-India establishments and extremists seems ...
The Canadians under the in-apt leadership of Justin Trudeau, have even forgotten the 'E' of Economics. They have traversed so ...