After years of promises, months of planning, and weeks of legislative wrangling, the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare seems...
We all have heard the intriguing tale of serendipity, a fight between two monkeys, regarding a loaf of bread, which a...
In 1959, Cuban leader Fidel Castro (1926-2016) established communist rule in Cuba after overthrowing military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista who was...
The rise of China has broken the world from the shackles of the uni-polar world as it’s the only contender that...
Once upon a time, a jackal trying to escape from a hunter from Varanasi, happened to fall into a tub of...
Please read Part 1 here: What media is not telling you about the MuslimBan in USA? When US invaded Afghanistan to...
Coming from a state decimated by war, I find solace and a new home in a city of the West. As...
So, Trump signed an executive order that would adversely affect Indian IT industry. By doubling the minimum wage, Trump signaled an...
Free When Donald Trump’s candidacy began making waves one and a half years ago, they said he would tone down if he...
We have nothing to do with Hollywood or Trump. Why write about this topic right ? WRONG. Like Andrew Breitbart, the...
“... And unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.”...
Right from the point when Donald Trump was elected as the Republican Party Presidential candidate, he has been mocked by the...