Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – as the longest-serving Prime Minister of his country drastically oversaw, and led an effort to...
Pandemic has seen a transition in the world order, and the status quo is something that is no longer sacrosanct. The latest...
The Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping has tasked themselves to plunge the country back into the dark days of Mao’s China....
France and Japan are coming together to take on China in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. French President...
New Zealand under the leadership of Jacinda Ardern is sinking deep into becoming the land of Islamist sympathisers. The appeasement of the...
The Tokyo Olympics 2020, which are being held in the Japanese capital of Tokyo are a flop show. No spectators, rising Covid-19...
Israel’s diplomatic clout is growing all over the world. That Israel has in the past few years carved a favourable image for...
The importance of Asia’s far East is only going to increase with the increased navigability of the Arctic Ocean. This is something...
Japan has dumped the much-touted One China Policy. The statement coming out of Tokyo is loud, clear and resounding. Taiwan is not...