Trump’s support for Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel is Historic indeed
In a revolutionary decision that has for sure and will continue to upset many political equations and statistics, the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald ...
In a revolutionary decision that has for sure and will continue to upset many political equations and statistics, the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald ...
Two days ago, the Saudi Prince Bader spent an unprecedented $450 million at New York on a Leonardo da Vinci painting. Over the past two years, his government- ...
On Monday the 23rd, I was recommended a video by a friend by one Jules Suzdaltsev on YouTube. I was mildly curious and a bit amused when I ...
One of the key aspects of the of US-Pakistan-Taliban axis has been the exceptional duplicity on parts of each of the players, but of course the crown has ...
What comes to your mind when we talk of 5th June? World Environment Day, right? Well, you’re partially correct, for 5th June isn’t just the day when we ...
May 2017 marks 8th anniversary of the finishing off one of the most advanced terrorist outfits, this world ever saw, the Liberation Tiger of Tamil Elam or the ...
Media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, and The Guardian were once again accused of propagating lies and deceit. No, it’s not Donald Trump this time. Israeli ...
The chances of Turkey gaining the much-coveted membership of EU seems to be fading away as politicians on both sides enter into a war of words. Turkish President ...
Two days after Donald Trump was ridiculed for questioning Swedish migration policy, riots broke out in Rinkeby, an immigrant suburb of Stockholm. The incident happened when the police ...
On 13th December 2016, the Syrian Army (or the Syrian Arab Army, known as SAA) finally liberated the city of Aleppo from the Islamists who had overrun it ...
"Earlier Israel used to be spoken of like this. Now everyone knows our army can do it too and is no less capable," PM Modi told a large ...
With friends like Pakistan, one doesn't need any enemies. This was the lesson USA learnt in the hard way. From the days when 'Mujahideen' were supported in the ...