China cries helplessly as Russia takes back control of Central Asia
Recent developments in Kazakhstan have raised red flags in China. Beijing fears the ongoing riots in the country may churn ...
Recent developments in Kazakhstan have raised red flags in China. Beijing fears the ongoing riots in the country may churn ...
India is now further expanding its presence and influence in Central Asia. As per the ET, India and Russia are ...
Central Asia today looks like a region that holds only historical and academic importance, apart from serving as one big ...
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a global infrastructure development project. If we were to define it, one word would ...
There is no denying that there has been a good bit of tension between the two major Shia countries, notably ...
India has exposed before the world the dirty nuclear nexus which exists between China, and its client-state – Pakistan. Last ...
The US and the west for a long time have propagated the fall of Russia as a superpower on the ...
At TFI we have for the longest time mentioned that Sino-Russian rapprochement and increasing closeness is a calculated decision of ...
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an international think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., has published an interesting report- "How ...
President of Russia Vladimir Putin is a true nationalist leader. He wants to make his country a superpower all over ...
With the Taliban getting debilitated due to severe infighting within its top brass, the extremist group is all set to ...
The Taliban is a treacherous organisation. It has been fooling the US for 20 straight years. It is also about ...