‘Millions are leaving Twitter,’ in his first interview after Jan 20, Trump reveals that he has social media plans
After being acquitted on Saturday by the Senate of inciting the January 6 Capitol riots, former President Donald Trump, for ...
After being acquitted on Saturday by the Senate of inciting the January 6 Capitol riots, former President Donald Trump, for ...
Oh! How the winds change. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the darling of the liberal media and Democrats alike, has ...
After a serious loss of face in the Senate impeachment trial, in which former President Donald Trump was acquitted of ...
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo was a darling of the Democrats and Left-Liberal cabal. He was an exemplar in dealing ...
Democrats had their worst four years with Donald Trump in the White House. No matter what they did, he did ...
The Democrats tried their level best to present compromised facts and shame, President Donald Trump, during the impeachment trial. However, ...
Trump has been ostracized by the American political elite and has been silenced even on social media- the only medium ...
The US economy is limping back to recovery, but contrary to popular belief it is not Joe Biden’s economic policy ...
This is the first time that the Democrats are pushing for a bill to grant statehood to Washington DC. The ...
Even after marginally winning the fraught elections, the Democrats are still scared of Donald Trump and his consistent popularity. This ...
Biden’s most ambitious rhetoric was to present the American citizens with an additional stimulus package worth $1.9 trillion. So far, instead ...
The Democrats have tried very hard to project Joe Biden as a non-partisan face, who is willing to take the ...