Greece, Cyprus, UAE, Egypt and France to seize a huge Hydrocarbon reserve from right under Turkey’s nose
MEDUSA 11 joint naval exercise in the offshore waters of the Greek island of Crete is sending shivers down the ...
MEDUSA 11 joint naval exercise in the offshore waters of the Greek island of Crete is sending shivers down the ...
The Middle East and North Africa region has been going through some tectonic changes and as things stand, analysts are ...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has long been fraught with instability and constant revolutions. However, since the ...
Egypt is gaining traction in the Middle East since it was able to play a major role in the management ...
The fact that while the US along with other western liberal democracies was busy brewing unnecessary criticism of the government, ...
Progressives within the Democratic Party have been pushing Joe Biden to act tough on Egyptian ruler Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who ...
Libya is slated to hold parliamentary and presidential elections in December, for the first time in several years following the public lynching ...
Turkey supports an Islamist regime in Libya. This is the Government of National Accord (GNA), which is holding the fort ...
Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has made a major announcement, lifting the nationwide state of emergency which was in place ...
A few days ago, it was reported that the US National Security Adviser raised the issue of Israel-Saudi normalisation at Neom, a ...
The crisis for one means a glaring opportunity for others, and that explains why Jordan and Egypt are stepping up ...
As the Biden administration is committing geopolitical harakiri, it has brought the USA into a vulnerable position. And as the ...