Musings from French press: As Merkel hangs her boots, Macron looks set to take up the leadership of the EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is about to retire from active politics. With her career coming to an end, France is ...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is about to retire from active politics. With her career coming to an end, France is ...
Ever since US President Joe Biden came to power, he has been constantly trying to ignite a major conflict with ...
Emmanuel Macron remains the first politician in a long time who has refused to hide behind the veil of 'Political Correctness.' ...
Late Wednesday, the French Senate approved the addition of a ban on religious activities in university corridors to a contentious ...
Since US President Joe Biden has assumed office, Chinese rhetoric and incursions against Taiwan have increased. The aggression reached its ...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s retirement means that there will be a shift of power in the European Union’s leadership. Emmanuel ...
French President Emmanuel Macron seems to have outplayed his American counterpart, Joe Biden. The US President was trying hard to ...
At a time when the Western world is being overwhelmed by the left-liberal cabal and the post-modernists which are in ...
French President Emmanuel Macron is setting an example for the European countries to follow and take independent stance vis-a-vis the ...
Macron’s administration has taken a leaf out of Trump’s policy book as they blocked a Canadian company takeover of French ...
French President Emmanuel Macron's anti-Islamist drive is gaining a lot of momentum now. Till now, Macron's campaign against radicalism was centred around ...
On 29th March 2019, Xi Jinping went to Paris to see Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Government, Angela Merkel of ...