Pint-size Croatia diffuses Biden’s Ukraine bomb
In the past, no country from Europe wished to lock horns with the United States of America. But now countries ...
In the past, no country from Europe wished to lock horns with the United States of America. But now countries ...
Russia-Ukraine tensions are picking up unprecedentedly. Russia has amassed 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border, and it seems things can ...
World geopolitics is the most dynamic business, and this is the very reason why any analyst cannot be fixated too ...
There are several island chains in the world, which despite their size hold immense geopolitical capital. One such Island chain, ...
The world is just keen about the happenings in Ukraine. With last week’s open acknowledgement from Joe Biden and with ...
The temperatures in Eastern Europe are heating up, and the military movement in the region has increased manifold. In such ...
The Biden administration followed its textbook approach to save its nose-diving influence in the Horn of Africa. It supported Tigray ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has an unpleasant surprise for Chinese President Xi Jinping. Putin has strongly backed Vietnam and has ...
India, Russia’s decades’ old friend, is all set to emerge as the venue for a broad rapprochement between Moscow and ...
China has invested a gargantuan USD 3.9 billion in the Winter Olympics infrastructure and has announced that all 26 athletic ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin is working tirelessly on one agenda- putting China in its place. You may not realise it ...
Joe Biden has turned the US into an ally that no one trusts will come through at the time of ...