What is Congress’s deal with Cambridge Analytica?
Cambridge Analytica's role in president Trump’s election campaign is well-known. It was believed until now that the company successfully manipulated social media users into voting for Donald ...
Cambridge Analytica's role in president Trump’s election campaign is well-known. It was believed until now that the company successfully manipulated social media users into voting for Donald ...
As the threat of being re-listed as an economy which in part was a sponsor of terror loomed over Pakistan, Pakistan had put into motion the wheels ...
In June 2017, Pakistan’s leading daily Dawn published a detailed report titled “CPEC master plan revealed. The report was as alarming as it was spectacular. It laid ...
The dust of Russian influence in US 2016 presidential elections had not been settled, yet, another storm brewed when Kremlin accused Washington of interfering in upcoming Russian ...
The nuclear ambitions of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un are renowned worldwide and so are his unlawful means to achieve them. And China has been helping ...
The new year started with a bang for US-Pakistani relationship, as US President Donald Trump, opened his twitter account for the year with a hard hitting tweet ...
On 28 December, some people gathered at the Shohadah square in Mashhad – the second-most populous city in Iran to protest against their government, demanding accountability, transparency ...
“The human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTU's of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found ...
Last week, after a long and arduous process of deliberation, helpless negotiations and amidst severe opposition from domestic as well as international fronts, our neighborhood island nation ...
In a revolutionary decision that has for sure and will continue to upset many political equations and statistics, the President of the United States of America, Mr. ...
“Putin has one idea: to essentially build a monarchy and be president for life” alleged Alexei Navalny, the anti-corruption activist when Vladimir Putin announced that he will ...
Two days ago, the Saudi Prince Bader spent an unprecedented $450 million at New York on a Leonardo da Vinci painting. Over the past two years, his ...