China’s Congo loot is out in the open and that’s bad news for Chinese people in Congo
A recent Bloomberg report has opened the can of worms for the Chines,e and their millions of dollars loot from the African ...
A recent Bloomberg report has opened the can of worms for the Chines,e and their millions of dollars loot from the African ...
Criticizing China on Chinese soil is a criminal offence. Interpol is now striving to make it a universal crime. In ...
Ties between the United Arab Emirates and Turkey appear to be blooming. Relations between the two countries have been rocky ...
The re-election of Tsai Ing-wen in the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election came as a big jolt to the Chinese Communist ...
China’s electric vehicle industry is plagued. China is offering electric vehicles as cheap as $4,500 around the world. Yet, China’s ...
China wants to marry Russia. It wants to solidify its relationship with Moscow. What is currently a fling, China wants ...
Entangled in the World War 2 era pacifist constitution, Japan is increasingly realizing the fact that its abilities to counter ...
Until 2019, India was the only Indian Ocean power that kept an increasingly belligerent China in check. Mind you, the ...
Chinese tech giant Tencent is being cut to size. Chinese despot Xi Jinping is making sure that Tencent does not ...
No one country has betrayed its brethren as Germany has done under the long rule of Chancellor Angela Merkel. As ...
A secure leader is never anxious. And Chinese President Xi Jinping’s rising anxiety says it all about his treacherous political ...
China’s Middle Eastern adventure is fast turning into a disaster. What China faces in the Middle East is an image ...