EU has been taking one stupid decision after another but this one takes the cake
EU crisis chief Janez Lenarčič has called for EU treaty change to fight Climate change. According to him, a new ...
EU crisis chief Janez Lenarčič has called for EU treaty change to fight Climate change. According to him, a new ...
Europe is currently experiencing the worst wave of climate change tragedies. In Western, Central, and Southern Europe, there has not ...
The aerial Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, spent 11 days in the air last month. The Prime Minister flew ...
In the garb of protecting the environment, the Canadian Prime Minister will ring the death knell for his own country. ...
With a policy that has everything in it to take a country’s economy to shambles, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration ...
Restrictions are the new normal in Canada. In the name of COVID, people’s rights are taken away with little to ...
The government in the Netherlands is sticking further to the EU’s proposed green policy, which the government hope would completely ...
The “malicious move” from Russia as oft-cried by the European countries is seeing darker pictures emerge with every passing day. ...
Since taking office in January 2021, Biden's environmental policy has included a number of laws, regulations, and projects. He indicated ...
The U.S. military has been taking a severe beating ever since Joe Biden became the President. First, military personnel were ...
The new President of Chile has been in office for just over a month. He rose to power on the ...
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; Why does the world need them? Well, their topmost agenda is to eliminate ...