Dear Canadian farmers, Justin Trudeau will soon make your lives miserable and farms barren
With a policy that has everything in it to take a country to shambles, Prime minister Justin Trudeau is unveiling ...
With a policy that has everything in it to take a country to shambles, Prime minister Justin Trudeau is unveiling ...
Back in 2020, when Canada was hoping to secure a seat for itself in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), ...
In February 2022, Ottawa was flooded by the Freedom Convoy protests. The demonstrators demanded that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ...
A draconian law by Trudeau has made ten Canadian provinces join their hands against the Federal government. The already chastised ...
It’s rare to see Canadian mainstream media chastise China or criticize its authoritarian President Xi Jinping. Speaking of the Justin ...
Canada pays the highest prices for drugs in the world. Albeit having the name of being one of the high-income ...
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau imposed heavy sanctions against Moscow after president Vladimir Putin went ahead with his special ...
A gathering storm is passing through Canada nowadays. Canada day on July 1st, the day that Canadians used to revel ...
Freedom Convoy is officially back in Canada as ordinary Canadians take it to the streets to protest Trudeau’s authoritarianism on ...
The chaos of the last winter that saw truckers steering their wheels blockading the streets is yet to fade out ...
Canada day falls on July 1st. Pancake breakfasts, patriotic parades, and celebratory festivals capture the true essence of what that ...
Money laundering is out of control in Canada and this has increased in the last few years after Justin Trudeau ...