After burning his fingers, Ukraine’s President Zelensky realizes Joe Biden is not to be trusted April 28, 2021
Joe Biden has lost the first big global war that he started. Putin is the clear winner April 26, 2021
While Biden is busy antagonising Russia, Jinping has officially begun the militarisation of South China Sea April 25, 2021
‘Don’t push Russia into China’s lap,’ Trump takes on Biden for his Russia policy and asks him to focus on China first April 25, 2021
As Biden looks the other the other way, Putin and Macron show him what it means to be a true ally April 23, 2021
Biden is hell-bent on burning Eastern Europe, but Putin has checkmated Biden in Ukraine April 23, 2021
Biden’s actions against Putin has empowered China to defend its Communist rule in the country April 22, 2021
YouTube has been busy deleting users and videos arbitrarily in Russia. Putin may delete YouTube April 21, 2021