Biden administration has left lethal weapons and biometric machines with data for the Taliban to use
US Preisdent Joe Biden's awkward troops withdrawal without any discernible exit strategy has put Amercian citizens in Afghanistan and Afghans ...
US Preisdent Joe Biden's awkward troops withdrawal without any discernible exit strategy has put Amercian citizens in Afghanistan and Afghans ...
Afghanistan has gone to the dogs, with the Taliban once again taking control of the war-torn country. What now? What ...
The American fiasco in Afghanistan might have served a raw deal to the poor Afghans; however, for China, it is ...
What the United States has been doing for the past 20 years is fighting a directionless war in Afghanistan. It ...
The USA’s debacle in Afghanistan has set alarm bells ringing among the USA’s allies worldwide. Especially, the Europeans are miffed ...
The Taliban has been able to successfully take over Afghanistan, with its terrorists sitting in Kabul and countries including the ...
US President Joe Biden is an establishment politician. To be honest, you expect him to be a glib liar. However, ...
Kabul has fallen into the Taliban’s hands and the people have been left with no choice other than running for ...
April 30, 2021 The last few American soldiers stare into the horizon through the Bagram air base in Afghanistan. Much ...
China thinks that as the world fears the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, it can form a great alliance ...
Joe Biden has made many bad decisions which will be remembered, but this time he has plunged the nation of ...
As the Taliban runs over Kabul and successfully establishes an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again, despite a 20-year-war waged ...