Switzerland pays the price for taking DRC for granted
The world’s political and governmental structures, economic systems, international connections, women's and men's rights, and social structures and relationships have ...
The world’s political and governmental structures, economic systems, international connections, women's and men's rights, and social structures and relationships have ...
The Russia-Ukraine crisis delivered far-reaching impact to the world, more so for the West. In the backdrop of Europe's sanctions ...
Showing a mirror to oneself and accepting our failures is the first step on the road to developing capabilities. The ...
West’s credibility crisis in Africa has exploded. It has plummeted to a new low now more than ever. It is ...
The enormous loss dealt by Ukraine is not its own doing. The US has pulled Kyiv’s marionette strings and pushed ...
The resource-rich Africa is something that the West would never want to leave. The West has built and still wants ...
Zimbabwe sanctions: Europe is energy-hungry. Do not be fooled by the bunch of encouraging news coming out of Europe as ...
Many Polish people are still traumatised by the horrors of World War II, and as a result, they continue to ...
It a well-known fact, that the western countries stand to gain more from a sub servient Africa. The colonial mindset ...
Africa Industrialization Day: Over the past 500 years, our globe has experienced enormous changes in political and governmental systems, international ...
Zimbabwe has been a victim of not only a draconian ruler who terrorised its people for decades but also of ...
Cabdo Delagdo is a province in Mozambique, it is troubled by a terrorist organisation known as Al Shabab which began ...