A frustrated Spain asks NATO to spare Russia and instead focus on Africa
NATO is really trying to win a lost war. The Western countries are still finding it difficult to accept that ...
NATO is really trying to win a lost war. The Western countries are still finding it difficult to accept that ...
As the Russo-Ukraine war drags on, the three Baltic Nations are under mounting pressure, turning into a red zone in ...
Zelensky has been undermining Russia since the beginning of the war. Popular opinion reflected that Moscow maintained an outdated defence ...
The Russia- Ukraine War prompted by the West has formed dark clouds over the global economy. Almost all of Europe ...
We all know that Ukraine’s economy is in tatters. Ukraine is on the verge of bankruptcy. Economic stagnation has inundated ...
Turkey and its president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received an unexpected rude shock from Sweden and Finland. Both nations, in unison, ...
When it comes to a comparison between the Ukrainian Weaponry and the Russian Weaponry, Moscow easily outnumbers the capacity and ...
One has to reassess its strategy several times when fighting a war with a mighty power like Russia. Without even ...
NATO is on a busy run to prove to the world how effeminate they are when matching the high vigour ...
After proving itself feeble to match the Russian might in the eastern European war, NATO is stitching out new plans ...
The NATO members under the US leadership don't appear to have any plans to end the current war between Russia ...
After taking the backseat in the Ukraine war, a feeble NATO assures itself that it is time to rejuvenate, and ...