By selling attack drones to Ukraine and Poland, Turkey is dangerously provoking Russia and Putin’s reaction will be fierce May 30, 2021
The Belarus blunder: Biden is bringing a war to Europe that Europe can’t win and Biden won’t help them May 27, 2021
Ryanair Hijacking: Biden gave Putin the perfect opportunity to resume his Belarusian adventure with a bang May 26, 2021
The Belarus incident will reignite the Biden-Putin War and Putin might start spilling Biden’s secrets soon May 25, 2021
Erdogan asks Putin to create a joint peacekeeping force to save the Palestinians, and gets roasted by Russia brutally May 23, 2021
After pushing Ukraine towards the edge against Russia, Biden has left it hanging and Ukraine has crawled back to Putin May 23, 2021
China is turning into a threat for Russia in the Middle East and Putin is ready to chase it out May 22, 2021
The suspected hack that caused unprecedented gas shortage in America is possibly an inside job May 16, 2021