Russia allows Turkey to execute its Syria plans (with some really dreadful terms and conditions)
One week before Turkey tried to grab international attention with a statement that screamed conflict. The statement invigorated tension among ...
One week before Turkey tried to grab international attention with a statement that screamed conflict. The statement invigorated tension among ...
Orange sky has become the new normal for some nations in the Middle East. The reason is dust storms hitting the region ...
Russia and Turkey could be at the brink of a major clash, a war to be precise. Why? Well, Turkey's ...
Crown prince MBS is readying a move out of Riyadh for the first time since the outbreak of the interminable ...
Turkey is an important strategic partner of the EU in areas such as migration, security, counter-terrorism, and the economy, but ...
In recent times, no country has got isolated or baffled like Turkey. Be it for the downfall of the Lira ...
For years Turkey was seen as a religiously liberal country. The country used to be mostly calm and tolerant of ...
Greece has a population of 10.7 million. According to a report by Statista of 2020, Greece has 21.8% of the ...
The European Union is in a tussle these days with its own former ally United Kingdom. And the reason is ...
Amid signs of Ukraine losing ground to Russia, the Nordic nations of Sweden and Finland are said to have fast-tracked ...
Greece has been facing Turkish belligerence for quite some time in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey keeps trying to chip away ...
Turkey has closed the Bosporus and the Dardanelles Straits to warships since late February. The geographical location of Turkey is such ...