Taliban is officially holding the Americans hostage and US might pay ransom to get them released
The United States of America is being held to ransom by the Taliban. American citizens, people from across the world, ...
The United States of America is being held to ransom by the Taliban. American citizens, people from across the world, ...
Joe Biden knew all along. He knew precisely what was going to happen when the US left Afghanistan in a ...
The desperate evacuation campaign of the United States of America and its allies from Afghanistan has cast a huge dent ...
The US stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years, spent almost a whopping $83 billion on training and equipping the Afghanistan ...
There are moments in a country’s existence when a leader is so inept that he is able to undo the ...
Japan has been caught off-guard. With the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, Japan finds itself relying on other countries ...
The Taliban has taken over Afghanistan. Theoretically, the Islamist extremist organisation is now in control of the war-torn country, which ...
When Joe Biden’s evacuation strategy in Taliban failed terribly and the Taliban overran Afghanistan, the horrors of 1996 got revived ...
For the longest time of the late 20th century until now, the USA had maintained its military supremacy and a ...
China under the leadership of Xi Jinping has developed some self-destructive habits. Be it jumping the gun and making the ...
The USA’s debacle in Afghanistan has set alarm bells ringing among the USA’s allies worldwide. Especially, the Europeans are miffed ...
The Taliban has been able to successfully take over Afghanistan, with its terrorists sitting in Kabul and countries including the ...