The 'wannabe' Khalifa wanted to annihilate Kurds and dethrone Bashar Al-Assad at any cost. Turkey, like many regional and western powers,...
The President of the United States has become a very curious case. This week, the Biden administration announced two massive arms...
The Israel-Palestine conflict has always been a major destabilizing issue in the Middle East. The conflict has taken a toll on...
Pyongyang and Jerusalem have been rivals for many decades but one might wonder the reason behind their bitter relations. Multiple nations...
Iraq is becoming quite unstable again. Yesterday, protesters again breached Iraq’s parliament in a show of support for influential Shia leader...
It was nearly impossible to picture the tense relations between the West and the Arab world five years ago. But, thanks...
The West believed that its strategy for circumventing Russian dependence would be successful. But because it is in a never-ending rat...
It took just two days for Turkey to flaunt its real rogue side after keeping a well-behaved outlook at the trilateral...
Environment and climate matter for fund managers in Europe, but profit matters more. So, managers of environmental, social, and governance funds...
In the garb of defending human rights and enabling democracy in Libya, Canada waged a war and destroyed the Libyan government....
It seems that the US is engineering a strong strategy to throw Turkey out of NATO. But it's also a well-known...
Military action against Iran seems to be a possibility in the near future. Iran’s nuclear program has been worrying powers all...