How Can Hong Kong get back at China?
Last year, the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping practically took over Hong Kong, ignoring the deal with the United ...
Last year, the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping practically took over Hong Kong, ignoring the deal with the United ...
Tibet is a living example of how brutal Chinese Communism can get. Tibet is an ancient Buddhist civilization and would ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping is facing a lot of fire from his country's citizens. Xi started off as an ambitious ...
China rose to become the world's second-largest economy, but due to the policies under Xi Jinping, it is now practically ...
The idea of China being a democratic country is a very clever concept put forward to counter criticism of China’s ...
There is one key characteristic of every authoritarian organisation- it never admits that it went wrong and it never shows ...
China has forced Microsoft-owned career networking website LinkedIn to exit China. With this, the last hope of opening up the ...
China is the second-largest economy in the world, but it is now literally down to begging. There was a time ...
While last year Chinese Communist Party was able to raise temperatures with its neighbouring countries to prop up nationalistic emotions. ...
As the Taliban consolidates its hold on the country, Suicide bombings and attacks against minorities are becoming more frequent in ...
Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, is a realist in his special sense. He wants to re-establish Russia as a powerhouse. While many ...
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an international think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., has published an interesting report- "How ...