“Not possible,” EU rejects Ukraine’s membership proposal
You look away; feel the rusted blades of the dagger slither through your grimaced face. Don't mistake this for any ...
You look away; feel the rusted blades of the dagger slither through your grimaced face. Don't mistake this for any ...
Poland became a member of the EU in 2004, but in the recent past and especially after the Brexit (Britain ...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted much soul-searching across Europe. For the first time since World War II, Europe ...
Antagonizing Russia in midst of a geopolitical tussle with China wasn’t a good idea after all for the West. At ...
France, the current EU president, has been trying to usher in major reforms into the EU to make it more ...
Vladimir Putin on Thursday ordered the Russian military to undertake a military operation in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. Amid fears ...
The US president Joe Biden knows about the conflicts between Qatar and other middle east countries. He is also aware ...
In a show of support to Lithuania and to counter Chinese bullying, countries from across the world are asking to ...
China has shot itself in the foot by launching a trade war against pint-sized Lithuania. The European Union is already ...
Which is the most prized Chinese BRI possession? Is it the Gwadar port in Balochistan or the Hambantota port in ...
Russia stunned the world early this month by landing its troops in Kazakhstan even when the tensions on the Ukraine-Russia ...
France is leading what can be called an anti-China crusade in Europe. Under the presidentship of France and President Emmanuel ...