Turkey is asking Russia for a beating of a lifetime
Russia has been tolerating Turkey’s antics for quite a long time now. Under a madman like Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey ...
Russia has been tolerating Turkey’s antics for quite a long time now. Under a madman like Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey ...
Israel says that the Kremlin has given Jerusalem the impunity to carry out airstrikes against Hezbollah with one caveat of ...
Erdoğan behaves like a textbook bully. He doesn't care about what international powers like the US and the EU have ...
It was in November 2011 that Syria was expelled from the ‘Arab League’, following the Barack Obama-promoted Arab Spring protests ...
Israel’s relations with Russia are entering a rough, uneven and patchy phase. With Benjamin Netanyahu no longer the Prime Minister, ...
Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has emerged as a giant slayer. He has withstood a regime change war mounted by the United ...
US President Joe Biden is a gaffe machine. He fumbles his words, stumbles on the stairs and even sometimes forgets ...
When it comes to Russia, Biden behaves like an addicted gambler. Just like a gambler raises the stake after losing ...
A great leader is known by their actions, and the fact that the opposition is ganging up to make sure ...
The West tried all it could to effectuate a regime change in Syria. Russian intervention in 2015, however, turned the ...
The most serious blunder Biden has made since taking office as President of the United States has been his confrontation ...
Exactly 36 days after becoming the US President, Joe Biden ordered strikes in Syria, a move that amazed many. No ...